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    2016-07-25 00:09:37    作者:SystemMaster    来源:


People who stand around with stick and ropes make money by carry something for people. They are called Bang Bang in Chongqing. This kind of service is only in Chongqing and unique in China.


In a TV show from another province of China, the hosting played a video about Chongqing to guests. In the video, people stranded around with long sticks in streets, sometime a few walked together, sometime went alone, sometime sit on the floor. Then the hosting ask: what are they doing?


After a few minutes, one guest said:" people use bamboo pipe in Yunnan, so the stick is a kind of pipe in Chongqing. Look the stick is so long and thick, I guess Chongqing people smoke a lot."


Another guest gave a funning answer: "it is a kind of weapon, which like the weapon in the novel Shuihu in Song Dynasty."



The third guest thought the people are militia. He said, "Chongqing people do not love beautiful cloth but love arms. There were fighting so much during the Cultural Revolution and shocked whole China. So the tradition has been inherited. People take stick not gun stand around. "

玩笑,这家电视台简直开了国际玩笑,想当然,瞎胡猜 。“棒棒”究竟在干什么?外地人不明白,重庆人最明白。

Chongqing people said the TV station make a big joke after to see the show. Who is the Bang Bang? Chongqing people are familiar so much.


When you have to carry a big refrigerator to clime a super long stone steps, or when you buy a eight catties of watermelon with mud to go home, how would you do? In Chongqing, you just wave your hands and shout loudly: Bang Bang. People will come to you with stick and each problem is solved. You cost a little money, and then enjoy the nice watermelon without dirty cloth and hard work.


There is a urban folk: Chongqing build in mountains, roads aren't flat. People can't live without Bang Bang. It's true. Bang Bang people not only do some hard work, but also help people to find girlfriends.


One day, a man fell in love to a lady, but he was so shy to send flowers, even the flowers were in his hand. He looked at the lady, but got sweaty palms. Suddenly, he got a ideal. He asked a Bang Bang to help him sending flowers to the lady. The Bang Bang finished the task very well and got 10 Yuan as a reward. The man and the Bang Bang got win-win situation.


There is a lot of urban legend in Chongqing. One story said more than 10 Bang Bang people walked together, which looked like a group of militia. One day, a robber stole on trains from Guangzhou to Zhengzhou, then from Zhengzhou to Lanzhou. He heard Chongqing people were good at fight, so he worried a little bit. When the train caught the Caiyuanba train station in Chongqing, he saw many Bang Bang people run to him with stick and ropes. He thought militia caught him. Then his face pale with fear and legs shivered like wrecks. Policemen saw his strange behaviors, then doubted him. Chongqing became the robber's Waterloo.


So, one of Chongqing oddities: people stand around with stick. Don't say Bang Bang dress worst, robbers shudder to see them.



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